Seminar 16 June 2022 - Security Challenges of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean
The Royal United Services Institute of Tasmania - Hobart, in conjunction with the Institute
for Marine and Antarctic Studies at the University of Tasmania and with the generous support of the Tasmanian Polar Network, and the Australian Institute of International Affairs – Tasmania, conducted this important seminar that will explore Australia's security challenges in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean.
Opening Address
Australia's Antarctic Interests
Dr Tony Press University of Tasmania
48 minutes, 11 seconds
Keynote Address
Technological Dimensions for the Oceans, Land and Space
Dr Malcolm Davis, Senior Fellow Australian Strategic Policy Institute
51 Minutes, 22 seconds
Keynote Address
Do Arctic geopolitics influence the Antarctic?
Associate-Professor Nengye Liu, Faculty of Law, Macquarie University, Sydney
1 Hour 2 Minutes, 13 seconds
Keynote Address
Australia's security challenges in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean
Associate-Professor Jeff McGee University of Tasmania
52 Minutes, 05 seconds
Q&A Panel Session
Australia's security challenges in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean
Chaired by Associate-Professor Jeffrey McGee, University of Tasmania, this session explores the future of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean and the implications for Australia's national interests. (Includes speakers, responders and additional guests.)